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Developpement Best Practices

Software design






  • Generate a changelog
  • Make a new release
  • Build the documentation
  • Run the unit tests

Developement: Using complimentary tools

Use direnv

Tips: Will help to set project environment variables for development purpose
Lang: Go
Config: `.envrc`

You will need to accept a first time to execute project environment:

direnv allow

If you want to see what it does:

$ cat .envrc
layout python3
export XDG_CACHE_HOME=.venv/

Once enabled, you can run most of the project command. To disable it, just leave the directory. It will auto reenable next time you come back.

Use commitizen

Tips: Will help to ensure commit messages respect some sort of logic, used for realease logs
Lang: Python
Alternatives: [cz-vli]( (in JS)
Config: `pyproject.toml`, `[.]cz.{toml,json,yaml}`

When you finished your modifications, add your files:

git add file1 file2

Instead of using git commit, just use cz:

$ cz c
? Select the type of change you are committing docs: Documentation only changes
? What is the scope of this change? (class or file name): (press [enter] to skip)
? Write a short and imperative summary of the code changes: (lower case and no period)
 add support for html documentation
? Provide additional contextual information about the code changes: (press [enter] to skip)
 We uses here mkdocs to provide this service
? Is this a BREAKING CHANGE? Correlates with MAJOR in SemVer No
? Footer. Information about Breaking Changes and reference issues that this commit closes: (press [enter] to skip)

If you have issue with commit message, either use cz c or test your message before:

$ cz check -m "docs: hellow world"
Commit validation: successful!

Tips about common errors:

  • A commit must return with a new line !
  • cz info |& grep 'allowed\|chore'

Commitizen can either use pyproject.toml or .cz.toml as a configuration source, but the latter is recommanded.

Enable pre-commit hooks

Tips: Ensure commit respect quality standard, and eventually fix things
Alternatives: [husky](

Pre-commit needs to hook to your LOCAL git config, it will configure the Core.HookPath variable to use it's own hooks. To enable git to git pre-commit hooks, you need to manually run:

pre-commit install --install-hooks -t pre-commit -t pre-merge-commit -t pre-push -t prepare-commit-msg -t commit-msg -t post-commit -t post-checkout -t post-merge -t post-rewrite

Pre-commit is configured via the .pre-commit-config.yaml file. You can tweak what you want to enable.

$ head  .pre-commit-config.yaml
  - commit-msg
  - pre-commit
  - pre-push

- hooks:
  - id: check-added-large-files
  - id: trailing-whitespace
  - id: check-ast

Then you can test your changes:

pre-commit run  --hook-stage commit

You can skip some tests, for debug purpose only:

SKIP=mdformat git push

When you want to update your repos, simply run:

pre-commit autoupdate

Use TaskDev (Go)

Tips: Advantageous alternative to Makefiles configured with yaml. Useful for complex project commands.
Lang: Go
Alternatives: Makefile

To see the list of available commands:

$ task -l
task: Available tasks for this project:
* bump:         Bump code version
* bump_patch_V1:    Bump minor version
* default:      Show all commands
* init:         init environment

Taskfile has it's own configuration:

vim Taskfile.yaml

To run a command:

task bump -- 1.5.1

To test dry-mode:

task --dry-mode init

To debug:

task -v init